Monday, 11 October 2010

Pengalaman pribadi : Kolesterol tinggi yang menghantui saya, sembuh dengan VCO

Kolesterol saya ketahuan tinggi itu ditahun 93 dari hasil Lab RS Medistra Jakarta, 230 an mg/dl darah, dan naik terus mencapai 400 an ditahun 2000. Kondisi badan sangat tidak nyaman karena badan serasa oleng, kaki kesemutan, dan sering hilang sensor saya atas kaki, jadi kaki mati rasa, kalau jalan tiba-tiba bisa tersandung jalan. Makan sedikit saja, badan tidak enak. Lebih enakan kalau tidak makan, atau makan yang enak menurut saya adalah ketela rebus, pisang, buah2an, timun. Itu sebelum saya konsumsi VCO.

Tahun 2004 LSM*) tempat saya gabung, bergerak di pemberdayaan petani kelapa, mencoba VCO ini, dan saya kelinci percobaannya. Waktu itu, stugna atas VCI ini adalah minyak jenuh jahat pemicu kolesterol, jadi ragu antara minum dan tidak minum, tidak rutin minum. Ternyata semakin hari, keluhan kolesterol saya semakin berkurang, yang dulunya saya selalu minum 20 mg lipitor 1x atau 2x sehari, lama-kelamaan bisa saya tinggalkan. Bahkan yang namanya makan daging kambing, makanan yang paling saya takuti, sekarang tidak lagi. Oleng dan kesemutan sudah lama tidak saya derita lagi sejak 2005.

Bahkan ternyata, tidak berhenti disini saja .... ambeien saya suatu penyakit yang memalukan, malu kalau ketahuan istri klosetnya menjadi berwarna merah, karena darah mengucur. Berdiri dan dudukpun serba susah. Ternyata ikut sembuh.

Lanjut, ada beberapa benjolan2 di tubuh saya, juga ada beberapa kutilpun ikut raib. Flex2 pigmentasi di wajah dan leher, seperti jerawat hitam2, itupun ikut hilang.

Ternyata si kelinci2 percobaan ini tidak hanya saya saja, yang kena kencing manis ikut sembuh, sulit kencing anyang2an prostatnya bengkak ikut sembuh, asma juga, menstruasi sakit jadi tidak sakit lagi, dll. dll.

Demikian semoga bermanfaat.

Djoko H.

*) LSM nya namanya Repindo / Pusat Pengembangan Kelapa Terpadu / Coconut Center Indonesia yang beralamatkan di Jl. Nitikan No. 9 Jogja ... kemudian dikenal dengan bapak cikal bakal VCO di Indonesia

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Diet dengan Virgin Coconut Oil

Pabila anda :
sudah lebih dari 40 tahun,
mengidap hipertensi,
kolesterol tinggi,
penyakit jantung
maka bacalah ini,
saat ini adalah
saat paling menentukan dalam hidup anda selanjutnya

Diet paling sehat

Temukanlah rahasia dibalik makanan super yang tidak mahal ini yang mencegah serangan jantung, stroke, pengerasan arteri, memperbaiki pencernaan, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan bahkan dapat menurunkan berat badan tanpa side effect (efek samping)

Meningkatkan dan merevitalisasi keseluruhan kesehatan Anda dengan 100 % makanan alami dimana dokter andapun tidak akan pernah menduganya .
Sudah ada di warisan nenek moyang kita

Mencegah dan Stop serangan jantung dan penyakit jantung
Mencegah stroke
Mencegah pengerasan pembuluh darah arteri
Mengontrol gula darah
Mengendalikan berat badan
Mencegah osteoporosis
Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
Memperbaiki metabolisme
Mencegah penuaan
Menurunkan resiko kanker dan penyakit-penyakit penuaan lainnya

Minyak paling sehat dimuka bumi
Halo semuanya,
Selama berabad-abad wanita dari daerah tropis telah menggunakan minyak kelapa untuk perawatan kulit, bibir, sebagai lotion maupun sabun, juga sebagai perawatan rambut, dan lain-lainnya untuk perawatan kesehatan dan perawatan badannya. Terimakasih kepada dunia riset modern sekarang yang telah membuktikan kepercayaan nenek moyang yang telah terbuktikan tanpa keraguan. Sebab virgin coconut oil mempunyai tekstur yang natural, berasal dari tumbuhan dan bebas dari pestisida serta bahan-bahan kimia dan kontaminan lainnya.

Minyak kelapa adalah minyak tersehat di bumi ini, kata Dr. Bruce Fife, doktor naturopatik dan pengarang buku dari The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil

Riset modern kembali menoleh kepada kesimpulan yang salah bahwa minyak kelapa menaikkan kolesterol, namun kenyataannya malahan para dokter menggunakannya dalam mengatasi berbagai keluhan. Secara studi klinis di Amerika telah menunjukkan bahwa minyak kelapa mempunyai anti mikrobia dan anti viral, dan digunakan untuk pengobatan pasien-pasien AIDS. Studi yang berhubungan adalah di Filipina tahun 2009 yang lalu menunjukkan menurunnya virus dalam tubuh para pasien AIDS.

Praduga yang salah sebelumnya tentang pengaruh jahat dari kandungan minyak jenuhnya, sekarang minyak kelapa dengan kandungan minyak jenuh yang unik malahan dapat mencegah penyakit jantung, stroke, dan pengerasan pembuluh arteri.

Minyak jenuh yang terkandung di minyak kelapa tidak seperti lemak yang terdapat pada daging atau minyak-minyak sayur lainnya. Dia itu identik dengan lemak yang terkandung dalam ASI (air susu ibu) yang sudah dikenal dapat memperbaiki pencernaan, menguatkan sistem imunitas, melawan serangan berbagai infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus dan jamur.

Lemak ini, yang diperoleh dari minyak kelapa, sekarang secara rutin dipergunakan menu di rumah sakit dan formula makanan bayi. Juga dipergunakan dalam minuman untuk olah raga untuk meningkatkan energi dan ketahanan dari para atlit.

Virgin Coconut Oil adalah produk yang dapat langsung dikatakan nutrisi sebab kemampuannya untuk membantu sejumlah masalah-masalah kesehatan - yang secara riset telah terbukti positif bermanfaat.

Demikianlah kata Jon J. Kabara, Ph.D (Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University) tentang manfaat asam laurat (yang terkandung dalam virgin coconut oil).

" Tidak pernah dalam sejarah sebelumnya bahwa sebegitu pentingnya ternyata pengembangan atas manfaat asam laurat ini. Lemah rantai sedang dalam minyak kelapa mirip kandungan dalam ASI yang terbukti nutrisi yang bermanfaat. "

Minyak kelapa telah dipergunakan secara luas di Asia dan Pasifik selama berabad abad lalu sebagai makanan dan obat-obatan. Bahkan sekarang mendapatkan perhatian istimewa dari pengobatan Ayurvedic di India. Hanya riset dunia modern telah menerima banyak manfaat yang secara tradisional telah melekat pada minyak kelapa ini.

Fakta menakjubkan lainnya tentang minyak kelapa ini adalah bahkan melalui lemak, kenyataannya mengatasi berat badan (obesitas / kegemukan)!!! Alasan ini lagi karena lemak-lemak jenuh rantai sedang tadi. Lemak-lemak jenuh ini tidak beredar dalam aliran darah seperti lemak-lemak lain, melainkan langsung dikirim ke hati dimana langsung dirubah menjadi energi, seperti karbohidrat. Sehingga badan menggunakan lemak itu sebagai penghasil tenaga, bila dibandingkan lemak lain yang tersimpan sebagai timbunan lemak dalam tubuh.

Coconut Oil
Minyak paling sehat di muka bumi

Muara dari semua solusi atas semua masalah kesehatan
" Penemuan baru medis menampilkan makanan super ini sebagai rantai yang hilang yang menjamin menghentikan stroke dan serangan jantung, mencegah pengerasan pembunuh arteri, mengontrol gula darah dari penyakit diabetes, menurunkan kadar kolesterol, membalikkan penuaan dan memperbaiki keseluruhan kesehatan Anda dalam hitungan hari dan membuat anda MERASA MUDA KEMBALI, SEHAT, BERSEMANGAT DAN PERCAYA DIRI sepanjang hari, setiap hari "

Laura VCO adalah makanan alami dengan kandungan asam laurat 3 kali lebih banyak dari yang dikandung di ASI (air susu ibu). Keyakinan secara tradisi mengatakan bahwa ASI adalah penambah daya imunitas bagi bayi, dan secara ilmu pengetahuan asam laurat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh manusia, sayangnya tidak dapat diproduksi selain dari ASI.

Keajaiban Asam Laurat

Periset sekarang menemukan bahwa Virgin Coconut Oil dapat mencukupi kebutuhan asam laurat untuk menaikkan sistem imunitas kita, pikirkanlah sungguh membawa manfaat untuk Anda.

Juga para periset modern telah mengetahui tidak hanya minyak jenuh seperti di Virgin Coconut Oil yang unik ini memiliki struktur istimewa sebab asam laurat dan asam-asam lemak jenuh rantai sedang strukturnya mendekati ASI.

Kedekatan dengan ASI inilah yang membuat Virgin Coconut Oil sebagai sebuah penemuan yang menakjubkan!!! Periset-periset tadi berkomentar inilah mungkin minyak paling sehat dimuka bumi!!! ASI secara ilmu pengetahuan telah terbukti sebagai peningkat daya tahan terbaik untuk bayi menyusui.

Bayangkan apa yang tubuh manusia mendapatkan manfaat dari Virgin Coconut Oil ini, dimana kandungan asam laurat dan asam-asam lemak jenuh rantai sedang dalam Laura Virgin Coconut Oil adalah 3 kali lipat lebih banyak dari pada ASI.

Virgin Coconut Oil
Virgin coconut oil
asam laurat

Lauric Acid
asam laurat
merangsang kerja
kelenjar Tyroid

Thyroid Gland
Kelenjar Tyroid ini
hormon tyroxine

hormon tyroxine ini

LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins)
Kolesterol Jahat
Kolesterol jahat

1. Anti-Aging Prohormones
2. Pregnenolones
3. Dihydroepiandrosterone ( DHEA )
4. Progesterone
4 macam zat berbeda
yang sangat
untuk kesehatan

Asam Laurat merangsang kelenjar Tyuroid untuk memproduksi hormon Thyroxine, hormon ini kemudian memecah LDL atau kolesterol jahat menjadi 4 macam hormon yang dikenal dengan :

1 Prohormone
Prohormones digunakan terutama oleh atlet yang ingin meningkatkan ukuran, kekuatan, daya tahan, mengurangi waktu pemulihan atau menambah massa otot. Mereka yang paling sering digunakan untuk meningkatkan massa otot atau mengurangi lemak tubuh. Untuk meningkatkan prestasi para atlit juga menggunakan prohormone sebagai pengganti doping dengan obat-obatan..
Penggunaan prohormones telah menjadi populer di kalangan binaragawan, karena bisa efek serupa (meskipun biasanya lebih sedikit drastis) kepada mereka dicapai melalui penggunaan anabolic steroid sintetik, termasuk keuntungan dalam kekuatan otot dan hipertrofi. Saat ini ada banyak perusahaan farmasi memproduksi prohormone untuk tujuan ini
2 Pregnenolones
Pregnenolones juga disebut hormon seks, itu mirip dengan testosteron pada pria dan estrogen pada wanita. Tingkat pregnenolones menurun sejalan dengan usia kita, diperkirakan bahwa tingkat hormon menurun sebesar 1,5% hingga 2% per tahun.
Itulah alasan dengan laki-laki di atas 40, mereka secara bertahap akan mengalami libido sebagaimana menurunnya kadar testosteron mereka. Hal yang sama terjadi pada wanita, yang akan mengalami menopause ketika mereka berada di atas 50-an.
3 DHEA mempunyai 4 macam tugas yaitu :
a. Menghasilkan kolagen
b. Mengatur produksi Insulin
c. Anti Aging
d. Mencegah Kanker
Dengan cukup DHEA, meskipun bertambah usia kita, tubuh kita akan mengalami proses biologis kembali muda yang akan membuat kita terlihat lebih muda 5-10 tahun. Jika tingkat DHEA terlalu rendah dalam tubuh kita, resiko kanker semakin tinggi
4 Progesteron
Progesteron adalah C-21 steroid hormon yang terlibat dalam siklus menstruasi perempuan, kehamilan (mendukung kehamilan) dan kelahiran embrio manusia dan spesies lainnya. Progesteron juga disebut hormon progestogen, dan merupakan progestogen alami utama manusia.
Gadis-gadis muda memerlukan banyak estrogen (merangsang hormon) seperti menghasilkan sel telur, melumasi saluran reproduksi, dan memberikan perempuan semua tanda2 kewanitaan.
Dari pubertas masa anak-anak, ada peranan antara estrogen dan progesteron. Progesteron adalah di sisi lain dari estrogen.
Jumlah hormon ini diproduksi oleh tubuh dapat bervariasi dari bulan ke bulan dan tahun ke tahun tergantung pada banyak faktor termasuk stres, gizi dan olahraga.
Catatan :
Sebuah faktor besar tentang estrogen dan apa yang bisa disebut dominasi estrogen, adalah masuknya xenoestrogens ke lingkungan kita. Ini adalah kimia diproduksi item yang dapat meniru estrogen. Dalam mengukur besar mereka telah menyerbu persediaan makanan kami. Hal-hal seperti pestisida dan hormon pertumbuhan digunakan hewan di pertanian adalah contoh yang baik. Pernah heran mengapa gadis yang berkembang secara fisik dan seksual pada umur yang lebih muda? Itu xenoestrogens di tempat kerja - hasil samping dari "hidup yang lebih baik melalui kimia."
Sebagai seorang wanita melewati tahun melahirkan anak dalam hidupnya, jika estrogen progesteron menjadi dominan di atas, dapat terjadi malapetaka. Ini mungkin tercermin sebagai berbagai masalah termasuk :
* Aliran haid tidak teratur; kram
* Bloating, depresi, lekas marah
* Migrain sakit kepala, insomnia, epilepsi
* Keguguran; kemandulan inkontinensia; endometriosis
* Hot flashes, berkeringat di malam hari; kekeringan vagina
* Hipoglikemia (kadar gula darah menurun); sindrom kelelahan kronis; infeksi jamur
* Hati palpitasi dan gangguan kardiovaskuler lainnya
* Awal keropos tulang pra-menopause, osteoporosis luar
Banyak wanita tidak mengalami hal-hal ini sampai mereka lebih dekat dengan menopause atau lintas batas itu. Sesampai di sana, jumlah produksi estrogen dan progesteron turun secara signifikan produksi hampir berhenti. Pergeseran dalam keseimbangan antara dua hormon mengakibatkan gejala menopause yang tidak menyenangkan banyak pengalaman perempuan, seperti banyak item yang tercantum di atas.
Alam progesteron sangat efektif untuk mengobati semua masalah yang tercantum di sini - termasuk OSTEOPOROSIS. Itu benar, telah terbukti bahwa asupan progesteron alami membalikkan osteoporosis dengan meningkatkan massa tulang.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Pengalaman Adi Sasono Sembuh Dari Sirosis Hati

Adi sasono mengidap hepatitis C yang terlambat diobati, sehingga menjadi  Cirrhosis hati ( kanker hati ). Pada tahun sebelum 2005, segala macam pengobatan telah dilakukan, antara lain dengan suntikan interferon. "Habis pakai interferon wajah saya menghitam, dan badan saya tidak enak", demikian mas Adi Sasono menceritakan masa lalunya. "Diajak cak Nur*) untuk berobat transplantasi hati di Singapura, tapi saya tidak mau, karena hasilnya masih separo-separo", demikian tambahnya lagi. "Berkat ini, saya sekarang terbebas alias sembuh sama sekali dari  Cirrhosis ( kanker hati ).
*)In memoriam Nurcholis Majid, semoga arwahnya diterima disisi Tuhan YME berkat jasa-jasanya dan perjuangannya untuk rakyat yang begitu banyak. Almarhum lahir di Jombang, Jawa Timur, 17 Maret 1939 – meninggal di Jakarta, 29 Agustus 2005 pada umur 66 tahun.
Istilah Cirrhosis = kanker hati = sirosis = sirosi, hati mengeras dan keriput seperti jeruk yang kering. Disebabkan oleh penyakit virus hepatitis. Virus ini sangat bandel tidak mempan diobati dengan segala macam obat, banyak penderita yang sembuh dengan interferon - namun sayangnya selain mahal harganya juga menimbulkan efek samping. Kenapa virus ini begitu bandel tidak mempan dengan obat-obatan? Karena virus hepatitis mempunyai mantel atau selubung lipid (semacam lemak) dimana obat-obatan tidak mampu menembusnya. Namun, dengan VCO mantel atau selubung lipid tadi menjadi rapuh, sehingga virusnya sudah tidak mempunyai pertahanan lagi, dan sekaligus dibunuh oleh Virgin Coconut Oil tadi. Matilah dia.

Ajaibnya, VCO yang ampuh membunuh virus hepatitis ini, justru sebaliknya malahan menjadi gizi yang sangat bagus untuk sel-sel tubuh manusia. Sehingga sel-sel tubuh manusia menjadi optimal kembali, maka terjadilah proses regenerasi sel-sel. Inilah prinsip dari anti aging, atau awet muda, atau kembali muda dari mengkonsumsi secara rutin VCO. Dengan demikian mas Adi Sasono yang bekas penderita kanker hati ini, selalu punya stamina yang prima dengan segudang aktifitasnya antara lain sebagai ketua Dekopin, bapak LSM,  dll.

Pertanyaan lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi kami di 0813 279 3636 7 atau 0815 6666 050 atau flexi 0274 740 7588 email

Sunday, 26 September 2010

The Wonders of Coconut Oil

Dr. Bruce Fife
September 10, 2008
If I asked you which dietary oil provides the widest range of health benefits, what would be your answer? What oil can help protect you from heart disease, improve your digestion, increase your energy level, strengthen your immune system, and enhance your over all health? If I told you the answer is coconut oil, would you be surprised? Most people are.

Once mistakenly believed to be bad for the heart because of its saturated fat content, coconut oil is now known to contain a unique form of saturated fat that actually helps prevent heart attacks, stroke, and hardening of the arteries as well as provide many other health benefits.

Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism

How an Underactive Thyroid Can Affect Weight Loss
By Mary Shomon, Guide
Updated February 01, 2008 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board

Information adapted from the book The Thyroid Diet: Manage Your Metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss

Many hypothyroid patients struggle with an inability to lose weight. At first, if you'd gained weight before your thyroid problem is diagnosed, you were probably told you'd be able to lose it more easily -- or perhaps you were even told you'd lose all the extra weight -- once you started on your thyroid hormone replacement.

So you take your thyroid hormone, and the weight doesn't come off.

Later, despite "normal" TSH levels, and lower-calorie, low-fat diets and exercise, you find yourself still gaining, or not losing weight. You may also have high cholesterol levels. The doctor then tells you that your weight problem doesn't have anything to do with your thyroid.

Some of this site's visitors have reported to me that they were on a 900-calorie a day diet, walking 3 miles a day, and not losing weight, and the doctor says, "well, you just must be eating too much."

Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism

By Mary Shomon, Guide
Updated February 01, 2008 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board

(Continued from Page 1)

Insulin Resistance

Insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas. When you eat foods that contain carbohydrates (which make up the majority of most of our diets), your body converts the carbohydrates into simple sugars. These sugars enter the blood, becoming "blood sugar." Your pancreas then releases insulin to stimulate the cells to take in the blood sugar and store it as an energy reserve, returning blood sugar levels to a normal level.

Carbohydrates can be "simple," high-glycemic carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, sugar, white flour and cakes, or "complex" lower-glycemic carbohydrates, like vegetables and whole grains.

Current theory claims that sugars and starches are far easily broken down than in our more prehistoric past, and today, many of us simply do not need and cannot process the amounts of carbohydrates that are considered "normal" by current dietary standards. For an estimated 25% of the population, eating what appears to be a "normal amount" of carbohydrates in fact raises blood sugar to excessive levels. The pancreas responds by increasing the secretion of insulin to the level where it will drive down blood sugar. For this group, consistently eating too many carbohydrates -- but remember, what is too many for this group is not necessarily too many for the average person -- creates a situation called "insulin resistance."

Insulin resistance means that cells have become less responsive to the effects of insulin. So you

Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism

By Mary Shomon, Guide
Updated February 01, 2008 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board

(Continued from Page 2)

And ultimately, if your adrenal glands are stronger than your pancreas, this can potentially lead to diabetes. If your pancreas is the stronger organ, which is more common, then you get fatigue, lowered body temperature, and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).

All these factors mean that insulin resistance is probably even more of a factor for overweight people with hypothyroidism than for the general population.

How to Lose Weight and Fight Insulin Resistance

Weight loss is the most important method of eliminating insulin resistance. So it's one of those chicken and egg situations. The less you weigh, the less insulin resistant you will be. But insulin resistance makes it difficult to lose weight.

Is Coconut Oil Really a Thyroid Cure?

A Holistic Physician Looks at the Question
From Dr. Ken Woliner
Updated July 30, 2003 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board

Jul 30 2003
A note from Mary Shomon: The May 20, 2003 issue of the weekly newsstand publication, Woman’s World, featured a cover story “The New Thyroid Cure.” Since that article hit the newsstand about ten days ago, I’ve been inundated with emails from people who want to know if what the article seems to claim is true: Can coconut oil "cure" your hypothyroidism and ensure rapid weight loss? I asked holistic physician Dr. Ken Woliner to respond to this question for us.

Please note: Dr. Woliner has no financial relationship to any companies that sell coconut oil, and reports no conflicts of interest with the coconut oil industry, or with any other vitamin or pharmaceutical company.

by Ken Woliner, MD, ABFP

In their May 20th, 2003 issue (actually distributed around May 10th), Woman’s World published a cover story, “The new thyroid cure” describing how a low carbohydrate/high protein diet and coconut oil could cure thyroid disease. Though I have not been able to directly interview the authors or their sources, I have done my best to make a reasonable assessment of the validity and reliability of this article. My opinion is based upon my review of this article, information available on Tropical Traditions (one major supplier of coconut oil), independent research published in peer-reviewed medical journals, and my own personal medical school training and clinical experience. For simplicity’s sake, it is perhaps best to split my comments into two: a discussion of the article itself and a balanced discussion regarding coconut oil and its relation to thyroid disease and weight loss.

Is Coconut Oil Really a Thyroid Cure? Page 2

Is Coconut Oil Really a Thyroid Cure?
From Dr. Ken Woliner
Updated July 30, 2003 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board

(Continued from Page 1)

Dr. Donald Layman, Ph.D., is a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois. He quotes that dieters receiving only 15% of their calories from protein have lower thyroid hormone levels but does not pay attention to the fact that they also have lower levels of thyroid binding globulin. He did not measure "Free T3" nor "Thyroid Binding Globulin". (See Understanding Thyroid Lab Tests) Dr. Layman's article was in reference to different diets and weight loss, and the data regarding thyroid hormone levels was reported only as an incidental finding. Somehow, the writers at Woman's World heard about this "incidental finding" in this article and interviewed him. Dr. Layman realized that they were misinterpretting his data and said to them, "Any extrapolation of our data to thyroid would be inappropriate." He did not intend to link Tyrosine (as quoted), nor weight loss diets (which he studied) with the ability to regulate thyroid function. (Layman DK, et al. "A reduced ratio of dietary carbohydrate to protein improves body composition and blood lipid profiles during weight loss in adult women." J Nutr 2003; 133:411-417)

Is Coconut Oil Really a Thyroid Cure? Page 3

And Can it Help You Lose Weight?
From Dr. Ken Woliner
Updated July 30, 2003 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Medical Review Board

(Continued from page 2)

Does coconut oil cure thyroid disease and lead to weight loss?

No one therapy has the potential to cure all thyroid disease because there are many different causes of hypothyroidism. Deficiencies of minerals such as selenium, zinc, and iodine are common (iodine less so since the fortification of salt with iodine). A relative deficiency of tyrosine caused by low iron, tetrahydrobiopterin, or NAD inhibiting its conversion from phenylalanine is another cause. A patient could be exposed to the toxicity of heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury; fatty acids such as oleic acid and trans fats; stress; infections; autoimmune disease; radiation; and trauma (thyroid surgery, other surgeries in the neck, whiplash during a motor vehicle accident). Other causes include imbalances of other endocrine glands and the hormones they produce such as estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, insulin, TRH (hypothalamic hypothyroidism), TSH (pituitary hypothyroidism)), and the thyroid itself (benign adenoma or cancer squeezing out healthy thyroid, status post thyroid surgery, radioactive ablation).

The Woman’s World Article Recapped

The New Thyroid Cure - - May 20, 2003
From Dr. Ken Woliner
Updated July 30, 2003 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board

(Continued from Page 3)

The article’s cover says, under the title "The New Thyroid Cure," that there are "2 miracle foods that will: restart your sluggish thyroid, make your body melt unwanted fat, and triple your energy!”

The first miracle food they claim will help lose weight is protein in general. Here, they cite Cristina Saralegui’s weight loss, after switching to a diet the limited the amount of starchy simple carbohydrates, with more emphasis on lean proteins (like fish).

Second, they claim that "regular consumption of coconut oil effectively reverses hypothyroid problems, compensating for a slowed metabolism and other system failures as it stimulates the production of more and more thyroid hormone." They quote a few women who claimed that weight just "melted off" when they added large amounts of coconut oil to their diet.

Reprinted with permission. Article originally published online.

Prev 1 2 3 4Next

Dr. Bruce Fife's Positive Review of Coconut Oil

Dr. Bruce Fife's Positive Review of Coconut Oil
From Bruce Fife, ND, CN
Aug 2 2003 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board

A note from Mary Shomon: The May 20, 2003 issue of the weekly newsstand publication, Woman’s World, featured a cover story "The New Thyroid Cure." Since that article hit the newsstand, I was deluged with emails from people who want to know if what the article seems to claim is true: Can coconut oil "cure" your hypothyroidism and ensure rapid weight loss? In May, I asked holistic physician Dr. Ken Woliner to respond to this question, which he did in his article, Is Coconut Oil Really a Thyroid Cure? A Holistic Physician Looks at the Question. There are some practitioners and experts who believe that coconut oil is extremely beneficial for the thyroid, and Dr. Bruce Fife is one of the more well-known figures who has spoken out in favor of coconut oil. Dr. Woliner discusses Dr. Fife in his article, and here Dr. Fife offers his thoughts on coconut oil for the thyroid, and a rebuttal to Dr. Woliner’s position.

In May of this year, Woman’s World published a cover story titled "The New Thyroid Cure."It described how protein and coconut oil can help improve thyroid function. In response to this article many people started asking if coconut oil can really improve thyroid function and promote weight loss. Mary Shomon published an article written by Ken Woliner, MD to answer this question. Although I’m sure Dr. Woliner is a competent physician with a great deal of experience treating thyroid problems, this doesn’t make him an expert on coconut oil. Judging from his article, he apparently knows little about the relationship between coconut oil and thyroid function, and frankly, few people do. Unfortunately, his article contained many inaccurate and misleading statements.

Is Coconut Oil Really a Thyroid Cure?

Dr. Bruce Fife’s Reply to Dr. Ken Woliner
From Bruce Fife, ND, CN
Updated August 02, 2003 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board

Testimonials aren’t the only evidence behind coconut oil. There are plenty of published studies on the relationship of coconut oil with metabolism and weight loss. My books The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil and Eat Fat, Look Thin contain references to numerous studies. Research shows that coconut oil contains a unique form of fatty acid that stimulates metabolism, gives you more energy, and promotes weight loss, among other things. Researchers are recommending it as a means to prevent and even treat obesity. An excellent study that reviewed all previous studies on this topic was published last year in the Journal of Nutrition (Vol. 132, pages 329-332). This study was conducted by researchers at McGill University. They reported that several different studies have shown weight loss equivalent to 12 – 36 pounds a year simply by changing the types of oils used in everyday cooking and food preparation.

My book Eat Fat, Look Thin explains how I discovered the relationship between coconut oil and improved thyroid health. It explains how to use coconut oil and incorporate it into a sensible diet. It provides most, but not all, of the details of my current thyroid program. I am still working on the program, but expect to publish my results next year. Readers who are interested in learning about the program can contact me at the address below and I will send them information when it is available.

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Coconut Oil for A Healthy Heart

September 26, 2008
DR Bruce Fife

Protect your heart with coconut oil? Yes, believe it or not, coconut oil may be one of the best foods for your heart.

Once mistakenly believed to be bad for the heart because of its saturated fat content, coconut oil is now known to contain a unique form of saturated fat that actually helps prevent heart disease, stroke, and hardening of the arteries as well as provide many other health benefits.

Asian and Polynesian people who rely on coconut and coconut oil as a major part of their daily diet have the lowest heart disease rates in the world. Some of these people get as much as 50 percent of their total daily calories as saturated fat, primarily from coconut oil. If coconut oil caused heart disease, as some people used to believe, these islanders would have all died off centuries ago. Those populations who consume large quantities of coconut oil have remarkably good cardiovascular health. Absent are the heart attacks and strokes characteristic in Western countries where coconut oil is rarely used.

HIV / AIDS and Virgin Coconut Oil

By Bruce Fife, N.D.
©2001 Reprinted with permission of the author.

"Initial trials have confirmed that coconut oil does have an anti-viral effect and can beneficially reduce the viral load of HIV patients", says Dr. Conrato S. Dayrit, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology, University of the Philippines.

For full and complete information on research, recent publications, HIV/AIDS clinical trials, HIV/AIDS support protocols visit

"A minimum of 50 ml of coconut oil would contain 20 to 25 grams of lauric acid, which indicates that the oil is metabolized in the body to release monolaurin which is an antibiotic and an antiviral agent. Among the saturated fatty acids, lauric acid has the maximum antiviral activity, he said. Based on this research, the first clinical trial using monolaurin as monotherapy on some of the HIV patients was conducted recently. Dr. Dayrit's conclusions after the study: "This initial trial confirmed the anecdotal reports that coconut oil does have an anti-viral effect and can beneficially reduce the viral load of HIV patients. The positive anti-viral action was seen not only with the monoglyceride of lauric acid but with coconut oil itself. This indicates that coconut oil is metabolized to monoglyceride forms of C-8, C-10, C- 12 to which it must owe its anti-pathogenic activity."

More about HIV / AIDS and Virgin Coconut Oil

By Bruce Fife, N.D.
©2001 Reprinted with permission of the author and publisher.

Back to HIV / AIDS Main Page

For full and complete information on research, recent publications, HIV/AIDS clinical trials, HIV/AIDS support protocols visit

In September of 1996 AIDS patient Chris Dafoe of Cloverdale, Indiana, figured his time was running out. He’d lost a great deal of weight, lacked energy, and felt worse and worse with each passing day. The thing that drove the nail into his coffin was the lab results. The report showed he had a viral load of over 600,000 – an indication of rampant HIV infection and a sign that he didn’t have too much time left to live. So he made arrangements for his funeral, paying all the expenses up front. Before he died, however, and while he still had some strength left, he wanted to take one last vacation – a dream vacation to the jungles of South America. He flew to the tiny Republic of Surinam and wound his way into the jungle where he stayed briefly among a group of Indians. While there, he ate the same foods as the natives. Every day he was served a dish of cooked coconut prepared by the natives.

Coconut Oil : A New Weapon Against AIDS

According to the World Health Organization, in 2004 some 4.9 million people worldwide became infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS. Last year the total number of people with HIV rose to reach its highest level ever. An estimated 39.4 million people are currently living with the virus. In the U.S. 40,000 new cases are reported each year.

The problem with treating HIV: unlike antibiotics that kill bacteria, antiviral drugs can only reduce the severity of infections; they do not eliminate them completely. To date, no drugs have been developed that can effectively eradicate viruses and cure the illnesses they cause.

HIV attacks and weakens the immune system. As the efficiency of the immune system decreases, other viruses as well as bacteria and fungi are able to take hold and infect the body. These secondary infections are what cause most of the pain and discomfort and ultimately the death of AIDS victims. For this reason, HIV patients are given drug cocktails consisting of a mixture of antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal agents. Anti-cancer drugs are usually included in the mix because the weakened immune system often allows cancer to develop. Adverse reactions and toxic side effects often result.

Over the years medical science has made great strides in AIDS treatment. With the proper treatment and lifestyle choices, life expectancy for HIV infected individuals has increased. Antiretroviral drugs are able to slow down the progression of the disease. But for the vast majority of HIV infected people drug therapy is not a viable option. The cost to control the virus using standard HIV medications for one person can easily amount to over $15,000 US a year. This is far beyond the ability of most of those infected to pay.